Ecommerce SEO

Our ecommerce SEO services are tailored to bring you and potential customers together.
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What is ecommerce SEO?

Ecommerce SEO is the process of optimising sites which sell goods online for search engine performance. Much like regular SEO, ecommerce SEO is concerned with keywords, content, and on-site optimization.

With ecommerce SEO, there are typically custom pages built out for each product category. Ecommerce SEO also puts more of an emphasis on a smooth user experience. This is achieved by implementing a clear hierarchical structure to your site, an easy-to-use navigation and internal links.

One of the best and most cost effective ways to grow your ecommerce store is through organic traffic. Organic traffic is responsible for a huge amount of online ecommerce sales, capitalising on search intent to supply shoppers with the products they’re looking for.

Our ecommerce SEO service provides actionable optimisation advice and results. We pride ourselves on understanding your online business and target audience to get you the best outcome possible.

Why is SEO for ecommerce websites important?

The internet is a global marketplace for buying and selling products and services. Searching the internet has become the most common way to conduct research before making an online purchase. The more visible your ecommerce site is within the search engine results pages (SERPs), the more natural, or organic, traffic you’re likely to receive. In turn, this can lead to more sales and increased brand awareness. When delivered correctly, an ecommerce SEO service can make a huge difference to your online revenue.

What areas of ecommerce SEO do we specialise in?

Bespoke Digital provides a variety of ecommerce SEO agency services designed to improve your standing in search engines. When working with our ecommerce SEO consultants, you’ll receive top-class service catered to your business needs.

Ecommerce SEO strategy:

It’s important to understand your goals as a business in order to align them to the goals of your website. There are a number of factors that go into an effective ecommerce SEO strategy. Some of these include keyword research, on page optimisation, technical SEO, link building, and local SEO. While focusing on all of these is vital, it’s important prioritise and have a plan of attack before you start making changes

Ecommerce keyword research: 

Mapping your target keywords to product and category pages helps to improve visibility in the  SERPs and to avoid confusion for both users and the search engines. Keywords are the lifeblood of an ecommerce SEO strategy. It’s important to have a list of transactional keywords that are relevant to what you’re offering. We will help you find the best keywords for your niche and product offerings.

Ecommerce SEO Audit: 

An ecommerce SEO audit is a deep dive into your website to identify and fix any technical SEO issues. An SEO audit will help you get a clear picture of how your web shop is currently performing and will identify key areas for improvement, so that you can prioritise your efforts both sitewide and on a product and category level.

Ecommerce website architecture: 

Refining an ecommerce website’s architecture involves focusing on the way in which your online store is structured. This includes the hierarchy of products & product categories within the website, as well as how easy it is for users to navigate. Utilising a breadcrumb navigation is a great way to do this, providing quick access to the main content of the site. And, it’s good for your SEO. Breadcrumbs are typically located at the top of all pages, and show the location of where you are in relation to the rest of the site.

On page SEO for ecommerce sites : 

On page SEO is the practice of optimising individual web pages. We do this in order to rank higher and earn more organic traffic from the search engines. This includes adjusting the title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, images, and other elements on the page. On page SEO is one of the most important aspects of an effective SEO campaign, and should be a top priority for any ecommerce site.

Technical SEO for ecommerce sites: 

Technical SEO is the practice of optimising a website’s technical infrastructure. Again, this helps to improve visibility in search engines. Technical SEO can include resolving duplicate content issues, optimising page speed, submitting a sitemap, and image optimisation.

Local SEO for ecommerce websites: 

Local SEO is the practice of optimising an online store to rank higher in search engines for localised searches. This is especially important if you have physical stores as well as your online shop.Taking the time to optimise your local SEO will help to improve your reach online with local customers.

Types of onsite Ecommerce SEO.

  1. ,Product page optimisation:

    Product page optimisation focuses on strengthening search visibility by having unique product descriptions. This unique content needs to be distinct enough from the descriptions listed on the manufacturers website, while also being well-crafted to sell the product.

  2. Category page optimisation:

    Category page optimisation has a focus on adding descriptive text that lends insight into the products contained within that category group. This more short-tail keyword focussed text boosts SEO by giving search engines a context to the page, also optimising the meta data provides more contextual signals in the SERPs which boosts conversion.

  3. Content development:

    Pillar and cluster content are two different types of website content. Both can be used to improve your site’s search engine visibility. Pillar content is a large, comprehensive article or blog post that covers a specific topic in-depth. Cluster content is a group of smaller articles or blog posts around a specific topic, which together form a cluster around their respective pillar. Both of these types of content can be used to improve your site’s SEO. The reason this approach works so well is because they help to give Google a better understanding of what your site is about. Blog posts with contextually relevant information, and good levels of internal linking between them, show Google that your site is focussed on delivering a high quality user experience. In turn, this helps you rank higher for your chosen keywords.

  4. Content marketing for Ecommerce sites:

    Content Marketing is one way to improve your site’s ranking in search engines. By crafting quality, newsworthy content, which positions your business as experts within your niche, you encourage users to engage with your site and hopefully other sites to link to and reference your article. When content is good, people not only read it but share it via social media, increasing your reach and exposing you to a wider audience. The increased engagement and the backlinks this creates are some of the important signals needed to see your ecommerce store ranked higher in the SERPs.

  5. Ecommerce link building:

    Ecommerce link building is the process of acquiring links to your ecommerce website from other websites. This can be done through a variety of methods including; competitor link analysis, supplier links, and, as detailed above, creating valuable content that others will want to link to. A link building campaign for ecommerce sites will ideally include a mixture of all these tactics as well as a strategic content outreach.

Measuring the success of Ecommerce SEO.

Increase in rankings: 

The higher you rank in the SERPS, the greater your search engine visibility. If you’re not on page 1 your share of search is tiny in comparison to those in the top positions. Average keyword positions, or rankings, can be measured through tools such as Google’s Search Console, which tracks where your website ranks for specific keywords within Google Search.

Increase in visibility: 

Product and category page visibility metrics are a good indicator of how well your SEO efforts are working. If you notice that as a result of your ecommerce SEO campaign, more people are searching for and finding the products on your ecommerce website, then you’re doing something right.

Increase in traffic: 

More website visitors means more potential customers for your ecommerce business. A general increase in organic website traffic without the influence of other factors (such as seasonal trends or new product releases) can be directly attributed back to your SEO efforts.

Increased time on site: 

Visitors staying on your site post-click is a sign that they are having a positive experience and engaging with your business. This trust signal is built by having great offers but also high-quality content.

Increase in sales: 

An increase in organic sales can be directly attributed to your ecommerce website’s SEO efforts. This is a direct conversion that can be measured and used as an indicator of your SEO success.

What are the benefits of Ecommerce SEO?

An ecommerce SEO consultant can improve your site’s search engine rankings and help you grow your ecommerce business. SEO helps increase the visibility of your products and services, which appeals to more potential customers. On-site SEO, good site structure and high-quality content marketing can also help to provide a positive experience for your customers, encouraging return visits.

There are a huge number of ecommerce platforms on the market today, whilst we haven’t worked with every one, we have a broad range of hands on technical experience, which helps us to quickly get to grips with any ecommerce CMS.

We specialise in ecommerce SEO for the following CMS platforms:

WooCommerce / WordPress
Drupal Commerce

Ecommerce SEO agency Case studies

Want to see for yourself how Bespoke Digital can supercharge your ecommerce SEO? Take a look at some of our past work below:

How much does Ecommerce SEO cost?

At Bespoke Digital, we’ve learned that every client we work with is unique. Because of this, we’ve decided to forego a one-size-fits-all pricing plan and offer our services at a fee that makes sense for each client individually.

When you work with us, we’ll take the time to assess your website and give you a quote that reflects the needs of your business. All of our quotes are for either a 6 or 12 month retainer, whereby we look to maintain and manage your existing search performance, as well as developing a strategy to improve it over time.

Request a free ecommerce website health check

Does your ecommerce website struggle to perform? Let’s get started with a free appraisal of your website health. Use the contact form below to arrange a call.

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